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We seek to develop the talents and skills of each student while creating art that glorifies God and blesses those who experience it. God, as Creator, made each of us in His own image. We create because He created us. 

Each discipline is built on fundamentals of techniques and creativity within the classic fine arts education. An understanding of the arts begins first with appreciation. Deeper involvement and experience with the disciplines aids conceptual and perceptual awareness of life. Sensory awareness is developed through music and studio art. Confidence and fine motor skills are developed in the young student through hands–on experiences with tools and instruments. Each discipline affords students the opportunity to participate in performances, gallery shows, concerts, competitions and outreach to our community. 

Fine Arts Department

All students at RCBA participate in Fine Arts and experience the beauty of group and individual artistry. Click any photo to view large slideshow.

1998 Jaguar Raff